I have always been drawn to small things…
probably because I was always the smallest one in my class. As a child I would spend hours in the woods playing with imaginary fairies, fashioning little plates and cups from tiny acorns and seed pods. It wasn’t until recently that I realized another childhood experience contributed to my fondness for tiny natural things. My father was a microbiologist and a great influence during my early childhood. On visits to his lab I often spent time peering through his microscope, which stirred-up my thirst for a much tinier world. I like creating in miniature because miniatures can be mesmerizing, drawing viewers into my world. The diminutive size also allows the viewer the opportunity to hold a piece in the palm of his or her hand for a closer, more intimate look. I enjoy including intricate detail in my pieces so that living with my work is contemplative and a constant discovery for the collector.